These 3 Camping Hacks Make Outdoor Living A Breeze
Camping is an absolute blast we are all well aware of this fact. Unfortunately, there are a few things about camping that—while not annoying enough to keep us from heading out into the wilderness—are less than ideal.
Here are 3 camping hacks that will make outdoor living easy.
1. Anchor Your Tablecloth
Campground tables are not always the cleanest. Therefore, many campers prefer to cover the provided picnic table with a cover of some sort. If it is particularly windy outside, the covering process can prove to be quite frustrating, and keeping the cover on is even more so.
Instead of fighting your tablecloth at every meal, try anchoring the table cover. This can be done in a variety of ways, but by far the quickest and easiest is through the use of table cloth clamps, which can be purchased in the camping section of any box store. For a more visually appealing option, consider using some sheet suspenders to hold the corners of your tablecloth down using elastic stretched under the table.
2. Reduce Tripping
If you usually go tent camping, or if you have any sort of awning or canopy with anchor ropes, you have likely tripped over those ropes at some point in time. If this is a common problem, you can cut back on the number of tripping instances by making your anchor ropes more visible.
To do so, simply cut a slit along the side of a pool noodle and put the noodle on the rope with the rope filling in the hollow center of the noodle. Do this to all of your ropes and never trip on them again.
3. Keep it Clean
If your campsite is particularly sandy, you can keep it clean by laying down an outdoor rug or some foam tiles. These can be swept off and kept relatively sand-free so you don’t track dirt and mud into the tent or camper.
We hope these 3 camping hacks will make your next outdoor adventure an easier one.