Three Tips To Make Camping With Dogs Easier

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Camping With Dogs Can Be Fun, & Easy.

Your fur babies are a huge part of your family, and you can’t wait to take them out on the road with you in your new RV. Think about all the fun adventures you’ll have walking down the beach, wandering through the forests and making new friends together. Of course, they’re excited too, with all those new smells, people and other pooches out there, why wouldn’t they be? Here are three tips that will make camping with dogs easier, and more fun, for you, your pets and everyone around you.

Because of this, Here are 3 ways camping with dogs can be easier

1. Pet Friendly Campgrounds

The first thing you need to know is that some RV parks and campgrounds are more pet friendly than others. Some may limit the size of a dog to under a specific weight, while others do not allow certain breeds and still others only allow one dog per RV. Most parks will have some basic rules regarding dogs, such as they must be on a leash at all times, and that barking must be controlled to keep the dog from disturbing other campers. No matter what part of the country you plan to travel, take the time to search for pet friendly RV parks along the way and learn about their pet policies before you pull in for the night.

2. Get Out and Exercise

Long road trips can be exhausting, for pets and their humans. That’s why it’s important to stop every once in a while to stretch your legs, feel the sunshine and refresh your senses. Just about every rest stop on the nation’s highways has a specified area for pets to roam, as long as they’re leashed. Remember that other pet owners will also be taking a break from their travels and it’s imperative that you keep your dog under control at all times. If you can, find a spot where your dog can run free and chase a ball or frisbee for a while. It’ll keep him from going stir crazy indoors, and it’ll give you a little exercise too.

3. Food and Treats

You’ll want to make sure that you’ve got an adequate supply of pet food and snacks on hand for the trip. However, carrying a large bag of dog food inside an RV is a bit of a challenge. There’s not much room in the cupboards and closets, and the room you have is generally taken up with your own supplies, clothing and necessities. Rather than storing a big bag of food inside, transfer the food to a lidded tote and store it in one of the built in storage compartments in the “basement” of your RV. Keep snacks in zip lock backs, or other sealed container inside so you can get to them easily while you’re traveling.


Going camping with your dog, or dogs, can be a great deal of fun, especially when you’re out enjoying nature together. However, there are some small challenges you’ll have to overcome. Most of all, keep in mind that your pet loves to be with you, no matter what you’re doing.

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